‘Ssh.’ (Poem)


Some euphoric poison,
built of moons and suns, hums and roars,
dance and pain, shadows of fantastic neon
flickering across the flat dimensions of space,
storytelling, rewriting improvisations
from a subconscious horizon and plane,
with aching bones, night vision goggles,
google, park rangers and blame,
moles and weed creeping through
drenched soil, souls basic, restrained,
psychoactive minerals, chemical trip,
fucked on radiation and K,
a decrypted decay, morbid arrangements
of sun rays and flower crowns,
desolate tundra, children gathered around
masked totems, loathing past truths
and crafting fresh fallacy,
suicidal and mystic, blessed barrel,
free with no bottom, cottoned on
to a pre-post mortem,
post services forgotten,
jobs lost, electrons tickled suddenly.